A Direct-to-Patient Platform that Connects

We deliver scalable solutions that connect biopharma directly to the patients they serve.

Quickly Implement Your Patient Cx Solution

ixlayer’s cloud-based platform seamlessly connects the entire ecosystem of care to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered. Our configurable platform facilitates clinical onboarding, patient education, contextualized lab results, remote program monitoring, medication adherence protocols, telehealth and diagnostic testing regimens into one integrated patient experience.


Seamlessly integrate with a broad health ecosystem

We’ve built a fully connected back-end infrastructure, so you don’t have to:

  • Vast network of CLIA certified, CAP accredited labs
  • Multiple clinical and telehealth partners
  • Integrations with patient service centers, mobile phlebotomy, payment platforms, kitting and fulfillment centers
  • Cutting edge at-home sample collection devices
  • One secure digital platform developed for remote care

Engage and Empower Your Patients

Our patient experience ensures optimal engagement and drives action:

  • Intuitive and simple user interface
  • Multi-channel touch points across the care journey; phone calls, clinical result review, email and SMS
  • Test results optimized for health literacy with clear calls-to-action
  • Multiple ways to connect with a care provider; telehealth, scheduling, digital results sharing
  • Built for optimal patient choice with multimodal testing, and synchronous and asynchronous physician consult options
Telehealth Consult

Designed to maximize patient choice, patients can choose to speak with a physician as they enter our platform, or select a visit with a PCP or specialist once their test results are in hand. Post-result counseling is provided, when needed.

Multimodal Lab Testing

We provide lab testing options to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all patients. Our deep lab partnership network allows us to validate needed tests, and our platform supports testing at home, at a patient service center, through mobile phlebotomy and we offer other home diagnostic options.

Enhanced Connection to Care

For patients who want to speak with a physician in person, patients can find a doctor and schedule an appointment through our platform, or upload their results to their existing physician. Results are pre-populated into a discussion guide ready for in-person interaction.


Deep data, analytics and oversight let you keep control of your program

We provide a real-time dashboard to track engagement and interaction and securely deliver de-identified data to evaluate program success.

  • Participation and service utilization 
  • Aggregated lab testing results
  • Tracking of post-result actions 
  • Role-based access control 
  • Advanced data visualization and analytics
Talk with us

Contact us to learn how our virtual care platform accelerates the path to diagnosis

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