Infographic: Physicians Are Embracing At-Home Diagnostic Testing 


Physician POV on at-home testing: A look at the numbers

At-home testing has been shown to improve testing rates, but these innovative patient-initiated solutions only work to improve clinical outcomes when they serve both sides of the patient-provider relationship. ixlayer conducted a survey of physicians to get their perspective on at-home testing. The results were overwhelmingly positive. Below, you can read our infographic to learn more about what physicians think of this new innovation.



For a deeper dive into these numbers, check out our blog post: At-Home Lab Testing: Understanding a Physician’s POV


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About ixlayer

ixlayer is the only end-to-end, direct-to-patient platform built for biopharma and optimized for patient choice. We help biopharma companies connect with patients from testing to treatment with speed, transparency, control and impact.